
Pushing the boundaries of what is possible

Merkle CAE Solutions: developing new visions with multiphysics

Gearbox lubrication example Multiphysics

Innovations always push the boundaries of what is feasible or conceivable. Multiphysics, i.e. multidisciplinary simulation across several areas of physics, can drive innovation and visions forward. This is because multiphysics answers interdisciplinary questions, such as the optical behavior of a lens arrangement under the influence of thermal expansion due to electrical heat sources, solar radiation or mechanical vibrations. This offers new approaches, ideas and solutions.

A simulation is nothing more than a model that is compared with reality, i.e. physics. This digital representation of reality makes it possible to examine and improve designs, analyze damage or predict wear and tear. This is achieved with conventional simulation calculations in the field of structural mechanics (FEM) or flow analysis (CFD). However, these sub-disciplines of physics influence each other. A pressure distribution from a flow analysis leads to mechanical deformations, which in turn influence the flow field because, for example, the shape of a flow channel changes. Multiphysics is able to analyze this mutual influence and include it in the analysis.


Possibilities with multiphysics
With Multiphysics, complex systems can be digitally analyzed across disciplines. By simulating the interactions between thermodynamics, structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, dynamics, acoustics, optics or electromagnetism, for example, new materials with a desired behavior can be specifically designed. In biomedicine, realistic models of the human body that integrate mechanical and thermal properties can lead to the development of advanced medical implants and prostheses, which Merkle CAE Solutions has already implemented in this way. In the automotive industry, simulations can combine aerodynamic, thermal and structural aspects and contribute to the development of more efficient and safer vehicles. Environmental scientists can use multiphysics to model the impact of human activities on ecosystems and develop sustainable solutions that take climate, water resources and biodiversity into account.


The path to the product vision
A vision is nothing more than an idea, a picture of the future. Creating visions is a matter of imagination. "The use of multiphysics will never develop the basic idea of a vision. That is human activity. But multiphysics simulations offer the possibility of finding more precise or even new ways. By finding approaches that would have remained hidden or could not be explained without simulation," says Dipl.-Ing. (TU) Stefan Merkle, Managing Partner of Merke CAE Solutions GmbH. "By making combined effects from different disciplines visible, potential problems can be identified and possible solutions pointed out. Finding new solutions opens up new visions. However, multiphysics certainly offer suggestions and inspiration. And facts that illuminate the path to the vision."


What's new about Multiphysics
Multiphysics in simulation calculation is nothing new. What is new is that the computer capacities now available also enable coupled simulations across several physical disciplines, which were previously unthinkable. The expertise in the combined approach of multiphysics in simulation, in conjunction with the use of AI, is also opening up more and more application possibilities.

Those companies that use simulations early on in the development process, possibly already in the modeling of new products or innovation ideas, will be able to further expand their advantages.
