
Make 2024: to marvel at and touch

Merkle CAE Solutions with simulation technologies at MAKE

Stefan Merkle presentation MAKE 2024

Innovators and innovation enthusiasts met at MAKE Ostwürttemberg on the last weekend of September this year to discuss the topic of “Future.Digitalization.Trends”. Stefan Merkle, Managing Director of Merkle CAE Solutions, provided insights into innovation on the topic of “Simulation in aerospace”.

As a partner of digiZ (Digitalisierungszentrum Ostwürttemberg), Merkle CAE Solutions presented at the joint stand what simulation can already do today. Stefan Merkle also inspired visitors to look beyond the earthly horizon by demonstrating the use and benefits of simulation technologies for space travel:

“MAKE is about the poets and thinkers in our country. Germany and the world need lighthouse projects that combine joint efforts instead of dividing society. Goals that show what technology can achieve. Just like the benefits of modern simulation technologies from our company. MAKE is a great platform for this.”

“All in all, it was a communicative, creative and stimulating weekend,” says Stefan Merkle. He was awarded a bronze certificate by digiZ for his many years of networking activity. And was even able to meet Robogirl in the process.

