AI - Artificial Intelligence
AI in product design
AI, or rather Deep Learning, can be combined well with simulation.
Simulations can be very costly in terms of modeling and computing time in individual cases. If a product that is manufactured in a small number of units has computational costs that exceed the sales price, individual simulations do not make sense.
However, if simulation results of several, different individual cases are available, an AI can be trained to predict the computational results for new variants quickly and with minimum effort.
If, for example, one shows an AI the flow behavior of water in the case of a dam break, the AI can, after appropriate training, "calculate" the flow behavior of the flow in the case of a break of other dams in a fraction of the time required for a simulation, which is difficult to distinguish from the physical result of the real simulation.
However, this requires a great deal of training data.
Applications for this are still in their infancy.
The topic of batch size 1 is particularly exciting in medical technology and building services engineering.
Merkle CAE Solutions GmbH is strongly interested and already sustainably active in research and development of the possibilities to develop simulation technologies here even further and to link them with meaningful applications from AI.
Join us in making the unthinkable possible!
The right partner
Merkle CAE Solutions GmbH has been active in the field of engineering calculation with FEM and CFD simulations for over 30 years.
In hundreds of projects each year, we make invisible physical phenomena visible, help to better understand and optimize structures and products. And deliver meaningful approaches to solutions. With added value.
Merkle CAE Solutions GmbH not only has a lot of experience. We work on the basis of the latest technologies, are involved in research projects and maintain close relationships with universities but also strategic partners from the industry. Take advantage of highly qualified know-how to advance your products and your company.