
Crash simulation field test

When it's time to let the simulation take the lead

Stefan Merkle racetrack header

It was exactly one year ago, on September 30, 2024, when I ran out of talent on the racetrack with my motorcycle.
What does that have to do with simulation? Nothing at all! But Chadi isn't quite ready with the pictures for the next simulation blog (explosion in electrolysers) and the timing is just right.

Since I had myself shot down right in front of the photographer, I don't want to withhold the resulting pictures and video from you. After all, the posture score isn't bad, even though I painfully bought the pictures with four broken ribs and a dislocated thumb.
My bike got off a bit better, after all it just kept going straight after I went down and then fell over. In the meantime, however, it's back in the garage, waiting to see what its master has planned for it.

My ribs have also healed and I can open bottles with my thumb again. I wistfully follow the timekeeping of my motorcycle friends via the Internet.

I'm no good as a pure pitslut, so I follow the action from a safe distance on my home computer while writing blog articles. At least the weather here is just as bad as at the Motodrom in Grobnik near Rijeka.

I don't know whether I'll do the race track again on my motorcycle. Everything has its time and at the age of 63 I'm sometimes glad if I can get my knees on the ground without a motorcycle.

What is not so surprising from an engineering point of view is that a bike does not need a rider to go straight ahead.

By the way, the driver who hit me on the inside of the bend didn't even ask what it's like in a Croatian hospital. I resented him for that, the Dr.....ck! Maybe he'll recognize himself in the pictures and send me a bouquet of flowers later.

I'll spare you the pictures from the hospital. I also discharged myself the next day and had my wife take me home at my own risk. She had just recovered from a broken vertebra from skydiving after the appropriate operation on a rehabilitation vacation in Venice, which is not too far from Rijeka.


Below you can watch the freestyle in the video in peace and without pain. I think it's quite successful 😊



Next time I'll get back to you with new simulation-related topics.

Yours, Stefan Merkle
