
Merkle CAE Solutions and embraceable Technology create a Sovereign Digital Intelligence for strength and flow simulation

Digital innovation in engineering, made in Germany.

Image Merkle CAE and embraceable digital intelligence

When faced with new inquiries and projects, engineering firms are often faced with the question: haven't we already done something similar? Microsoft's search functions are far too unspecific here; it would be better to have (artificial) intelligence that knows what has happened in previous years. This applies equally to quotations, projects and reports. Merkle CAE Solutions and embraceable Technology are working together on an efficient solution.

The solution is based on an innovative platform concept in which modern AI language models are controlled and monitored by various software services. Language models can be connected individually by the user, i.e. the system works completely model-agnostic.

'Digital intelligence' means that the system 'understands' the specific technical terminology from engineering and can safely and reliably play out the specialist knowledge for different tasks. No data is used for the training of AI models. All data and information remain completely under the control of Merkle CAE Solutions. Thanks to its modular structure, the system can be extended to other engineering domains at any time.

“An AI, i.e. digital intelligence that understands and can interpret complex engineering terminology, helps us with process efficiency and frees up capacities that resolve bottlenecks elsewhere in the company, thereby generating massive added value. We will gradually expand the system with additional processes and functionalities in order to use the human working time of our qualified engineers even more precisely and effectively in the future,” says Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Merkle, Managing Partner of Merkle CAE Solutions.

“With the embraceable platform, we have created a solution for applying modern AI technology in combination with valuable European industrial and engineering expertise to achieve real productivity gains and make work easier. We don't need to do expensive training or fine-tuning of language models. This is a blueprint for the use of modern AI technology in the entire engineering sector,” says Dr. Christian Gilcher, Managing Partner of embraceable Technology.

'Sovereign' means that the system can be operated either on German clouds or on-premise, directly at Merkle CAE Solutions. Only local and European language models are used. The solution therefore meets the highest standards of sovereignty, data protection and strategic flexibility and also offers maximum cost efficiency.

This is how we prove it: Digital innovation in Europe is feasible. The resulting benefits are real. We CAN do it, we “only” have to WANT to do it.

Yours Stefan Merkle
