
After all, it's only rubber...

Recently, I met with a long-time and good customer, Dr. Manfred Achenbach, to see how we can intensify our previous cooperation in the field of rubber and elastomer calculation.

[Translate to English:] merkle-partner-es-ist-ja-nur-gummi

Recently, I met with a long-time and good customer, Dr. Manfred Achenbach, to see how we can intensify our previous cooperation in the field of rubber and elastomer calculation.

I have known Dr. Achenbach for several decades and am always surprised at the depth and the theoretical and mathematical background with which he understands and can describe the behavior of rubber. For me, he is the luminary in the field of elastomers, the "rubber god" so to speak.

But I also realized earlier that the world does not speak "Achenbach" and vice versa. Since one of our specialties is the calculation of plastics and elastomers, but we also know exactly the customer requirements, which are as follows

Time, cost, safety

I have decided to write a simple e-book about rubber to make our customers understand what makes the rubber so special and what can be calculated.

Quasi a dictionary Achenbach / world, world / Achenbach.

I know that you are not interested in how the laws of rubber can be described using continuum mechanics, thermodynamics, internal entropy, entropy, conservation of mass laws, mass transfer and diffusion equations, but that you want to know: Will my seal still be tight in 5 years, or will I have a recall on my hands that could cost me hundreds of millions of dollars.

We can help you here, carry out the necessary tests, point out risks, calculate and optimize your seal so that it will still be doing what it is supposed to do tomorrow: seal.

After all, we are the people of poets and thinkers... or have I misunderstood something?

So don't hesitate, download my e-book:

This is what you need to know when calculating rubber

free of charge.

Download e-book

I will show you how you can even have us calculate aging, swelling, and the short- and long-term behavior of seals under temperature stress.

Take advantage of the unique combination of theory, testing and service to better understand the behavior of your seals.

Your Stefan Merkle
